Publications of Physics
[ImPACT17-02-01] 2024/9/4 J.W. Hwang et al., PTP93D03 (2024) "Production Cross-Sections of Residual Nuclides from 93Zr + p at 27 MeV/nucleon "
[SHARAQ11] 2024/7/3 K. Miki et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 012501 (2024), "Precise spectrocopy of 3n and 3p Systems via 3H(t,3He)3n and 3He(3He,t)3p Reactions at Intermediate Energies"
[ImPACT17-02-2] 2024/2/13 N. Imai et al., Physics Letters B (2024) "Neutron capture reaction cross-section of 79Se through the 79Se(d,p) reaction in inverse kinematics "
[IMPACT17-02-01] 2023/11/17 T. Chillery et al., PTEP 121D01 (2023) "Studying the impact of deuteron non-elastic breakup on 93Zr + d reaction cross sections measured at 28 MeV/nucleon"
[NP0811] 2012/June/29 K. Miki et al., PRL108, 262503 (2012) "Identification of beta+ Isovector Spin Monopole Resonance via the 208Pb and 90Zr(t,3He) Reactions at 300 MeV/u"
[SHARAQ02] 2018/Apr/26 S. Noji et al., PRL120, 172501 (2018) "Excitation of the Isovector Spin Monooile Resonance via the Exothermic 90Zr(12N,12C) Reaction at 175 MeV/u"
[SHARAQ06] 2016/Feb/3 K. Kisamori et al., "Candidate Resonant Tetraneutron State Populated by the 4He(8He,8Be) Reaction"
[SHARAQ04] 2020/May/26 T.L. Tang et al., "How Different is the Core of 2F from 24O?"
2018/Feb/28 S. Kawase et al., "Exclusive quasi-free proton knockout from oxygen isotopes at intermediate energies"
[SHARAQ03] 2020/Sep/14 S. Michimasa et al., "Mapping of a New Deformation Region around 62Ti"
2018/Jul/11 S. Michimasa et al., "Magic Nature of Neutrons in 54Ca: First Mass Measurements of 55-57Ca"
[SHARAQ08] 2026/Sep/11 M. Dozono et al., "Separated flow operation of the SHARAQ spectrometer for in-flight proton-decay experiments"
Publications of instruments and others
[Tritium target] K.Miki et al., Development and fabrication of a thick Ti-3H target for the 3H(t,3He)3n experment NIMA 1056,(2023).
[SR-PPAC] S. Hanai et al., NIMB 541, 194 (2023). PTEP 123H02 (2023)
[IMPACT17-02-X] 2019/April/26 S. Michimasa et al.,PTEP 043D01 (2019) "OEDO, the energy-degrading beamline at RI Beam Factory" was published.
[IMPACT17-02-X] 2019/April/26 J.W. Hwang et al., PTEP043D02 (2019) "Angle-tunable wedge degrader for an energy-degrading RI beamline" was published.
[Diamond] S. Michimasa et al.,. NIMB317,710 (2013)
[LP-MWDC] H. Miya et al., NIMB 317 701 (2013).
Proceedings/Conference papers
S. Michimasa et al., EMIS2018 to be published.
N. Imai, Proceedings of the 2017 Symposium on Nuclear Data, JAEA- Conf2018-001, 39 (2018).
Under analysis
[SHARAQ01] 2010/Oct. R. Sasamoto et al.,
[SHARAQ05] 2011/May K. Yako et al.,
[SHARAQ10] 2016/Jun. S. Shimoura et al.,
[ImPACT17-02-1] 2017/Oct. M. Dozono
[SHARAQ12] 2022/Nov. K. Wimmer and D. Suzuki et al.,
[SHARAQ13] 2022/Jun. S. Michimasa et al.,
[SHARAQ18] 2022/May N. Imai et al.,
[SHARAQ19] 2022/Jun B. Mauss and D. Suzuki et al.,